Sean Perham

Comedian / Musician / Actor / Educator

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Education / Performance

Available for Masterclass / Workshop / Lecture / Performance



As a world-traveled musician and educator, Sean Perham offers a wide variety of Masterclass and Workshop experiences. With a focus on exploration and expansion of ideas, the center of all of these offerings are to bring joy and creativity back into the artistic experience. These classes are designed to have learners actively engaged with drumming, singing and moving. Throughout Sean’s time in music and acting, he found his number one strength is exploration. Whether it’s the body, everyday objects or improvising musically and theatrically, the best material is found in the exploration. All classes are tailor designed in collaboration with your program’s specific needs. With world renowned ability in Body Percussion, Found Object Music, Drum Set and even Improv Comedy, Sean provides a singularly unique immersion in the arts.


  • body percussion

  • bucket/Found object drumming

  • Drum Set

  • Classical Percussion

  • World Music

  • Musical and Theatrical Improvisation



Sean has brought his energy and love of music to over 15 countries across the globe. Regardless of length or crowd size, Sean captivates and inspire audiences of all ages. His focus in all lectures/seminars is the emphasis of joy in artist creation. Why did we pursue this art form in the first place? Sean teaches eliminating the “What ifs?” in life is what leads to success. “What if I learned how to be an actor even if i’m a musician?” Learn it. “What if I tried out for my dream job until I got it?” Try it. Connecting with learners and listeners and helping them overcome some of the same hurdles he had, Sean brings an unparalleled passion to performance and speaking.


  • Body Percussion

  • bucket/FOund Object drumming

  • drum set

  • How to get work in the music industry and how to keep it

  • the musical journey

  • how do we define MUSIC?

All ages and experiences

All concepts can be combined